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  • Poor Ejaculation Causes – Why You Have Low Semen Volume

Poor Ejaculation Causes – Why You Have Low Semen Volume

Poor ejaculation or low semen volume have many causes..

At least partly because ejaculation is actually several processes that all happen at about the same time.

And each can be impacted by what you eat, hormone levels, your general health and other factors.

If you have low ejaculation volume, poor ejaculations or retrograde ejaculations, understanding what’s happening and why can leave you in the best position to make positive changes.

For strong and healthy ejaculation, you must first have a good emission process that loads in the semen.

In this way, ejaculating is like firing a gun. Then, ejaculation is a reflex expulsion in a series of spurts — or contractions.

You can also think of ejaculation like a sneeze, it’s something you can’t stop once started. Then there’s the matter of orgasm, a separate thing that happens in the brain.


Now, what can cause the ejaculation process to go wrong?

Low T Causes Poor Ejaculations

Testosterone is the male hormone, and ejaculation is a very male thing. It makes sense that low T could cause poor ejaculations.

This includes problems with low ejaculation volume and delayed ejaculation.

In fact, the Mayo Clinic and other respected medical sources list low testosterone as a cause of delayed ejaculation — a condition that causes a guy to need prolonged stimulation before he can come.

It makes sense to take quick action to correct low testosterone because it can lead to debilitating sexual dysfunction in other ways, including:

  • Low sex drive
  • Difficulty getting hard
  • Depression
  • Psychological changes that impact your sex life

Low T may also lead to a decrease in bone mass, a loss of muscle, an increase in body fat, a lack of energy and other unpleasant effects.

Excessive Masturbation And Weak Ejaculations

Sometimes, the cause of weak ejaculations is close at hand: masturbation.

You may simply be using up your semen through masturbation quicker than your body can replenish it.

Not all guys can manage good ejaculations several times a day. But there’s more to it: our bodies have hormones, neurochemicals and nutrients in reserve for sexual activity.

Masturbation uses up these natural body chemicals in the same way as having sex; and those things take time to replenish as well.

There’s even a term for this depleted condition: sexual exhaustion. It’s not really a medical term, but many alternative practitioners and counselors recognize it as a real thing.

If you’re looking for poor ejaculation causes, try not jacking off for a while — and save yourself for real sexual activity with your partner.

Then you can give it all you’ve got. This certainly isn’t the only cause of poor ejaculations; but it’s the easiest to remedy — if you can just control yourself.

Soy Foods Reduce Ejaculation Volume

Eliminating soy food from your diet is also a fairly easy fix — although soy is hiding in many unexpected foods.

But soy can increase estrogen and lower testosterone.

There’s some good science here: a study of 99 men from sub-fertile couples published in the journal Human Reproduction found that high intake of soy foods and soy isoflavones led to lower sperm quality.

Since it’s sperm, among other things, that you ejaculate, you can see the connection.

Animal studies had previously shown the same thing. The BBC even wrote up a study in 2008 — but they added a twist.

Since Asian men eat a lot of soy and don’t necessarily have ejaculation problems, perhaps the connection may not be so strong.

Of course, it could also be that there hasn’t been enough study of Asian men and poor ejaculation causes to make a conclusion.

Still, if you have poor ejaculations, avoiding soy milk, tofu, edamame and meat substitutes made of soy might be a good idea.

Diabetes And Poor Ejaculation

Diabetics are at high risk for a condition called retrograde ejaculation — meaning the semen doesn’t come out and is injected into the bladder instead.

Sometimes called a dry orgasm, this isn’t a harmful condition — but you can’t have children if the sperm never gets into your woman.

Diabetes causes nerve damage over the long term when not controlled, and neuropathy of the bladder is one way this damage impacts your body.

If very little semen comes out during ejaculation and then you have cloudy urine afterwards, you probably have retrograde ejaculation.

The condition can also be caused by multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, some medications and surgery on the bladder or the prostate, among other things.

A small study in the journal Andrology found that as many as a third of men with type 2 diabetes have retrograde ejaculations.

For that reason, diabetic men with fertility issues should be checked for this condition.

It’s important to understand that this condition is caused by a muscle that doesn’t tighten; and the condition can often be improved with exercise and other actions.

Poor Ejaculation And Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Endocrine disrupting chemicals may cause infertility and suboptimal fertility, according to a study in the Journal of Environmental Public Health.

Even worse, these chemicals can cause cancer, diabetes, developmental issues and even obesity. But what are they?

That’s the scary part…

The list of endocrine disrupting chemicals that could be among poor ejaculation causes for you includes…

  • Many human-made pesticides
  • Food contaminants
  • Personal care product ingredients

And there are much more than that. In other words, you could be coming in contact with these chemicals without knowing it.

In fact, you almost certainly are. And while you can limit some exposure, you can’t completely prevent it.

But you can avoid plastic containers, use only natural pesticides, buy organic food, rinse all food before eating and wash your hands frequently.

All of those things help.


As you see, there are many different kinds of poor ejaculation problems and many causes as well.

But improving overall health, getting your hormones in order and controlling diabetes and other conditions that may impact your sexual health can help.

Simply living a healthy life can make a big difference in improving poor ejaculations — and so many other things.

You can also do certain exercises and take certain other actions that improve how well your testicles work and improve your sexual health.

Our Big Natural Testicles ebook explains many things you can try.

Whether for fertility, vanity or just because you want to experience delivering a big load again; it’s time to take action.

Many poor ejaculation causes can be controlled; and you deserve the fullest sexual experience possible.

Update – How to Fix Poor Ejaculation

Our bodies are complex, and so is the natural process of ejaculation. Like I wrote above, there’s a wide range of things that could influence it.

Here are a few more things you can do to fix poor ejaculation problems.

Cool Off Your Balls

Ever heard of the cremasteric reflex?

That’s the scientific name for what happens when your balls get too cold or too hot. You’ve probably noticed it when you get out of a cold pool or a hot shower.

When your sack gets too cold, this reflex kicks in to pull your balls up close to your body to maintain warmth.

When your boys are too hot, this reflex does the opposite and drops your testes down low away from your body in order to cool them off.

Why am I telling you this?

Simple. Because your balls need to stay in a specific temperature range in order to produce testosterone and sperm.

The cremasteric reflex is critical for maintaining healthy sperm production (and strong ejaculations) because it keeps your balls at the optimal temperature for testosterone production.

In one study, researchers tested this concept by heating the testicles of rats in a lab. That must have been a fun day at work…

Joking aside, the results of the study were convincing. The team found strong evidence that heated testes produced lower than normal levels of testosterone. (source)

So get some loose underwear!

Stop Stretching Your Scrotum

Now don’t get me wrong here – I am in favor of healthy scrotal stretching.

However, too much of a good thing can be bad. It all comes back to the cremasteric reflex.

Certain methods of stretching the scrotum can come with some negative side effects. I’m talking about methods that rely on rings, straps, collars or weights.

If you do this too often, it can throw off your cremasteric reflex.

Like I just described above, that reflex is critical for healthy sperm production. So you really don’t want to mess it up.

The good news is that there are other methods of scrotum enlargement that won’t disrupt your cremasteric reflex.

Increase Your Testosterone Levels

Low testosterone is one of the main causes of low semen volume and sub-par ejaculation.

Now, this in itself is a complex issue that can have a wide range of causes.

But there are still a ton of practical things you can do right now to increase your T levels. The good news is that most of them cost no money, but you’ll need to make lifestyle changes.

The easiest way to increase your T levels is to get more sleep.

In one study, two groups of adult men slept different amounts each night. Their T levels were tested in the morning to determine any differences.

Results showed that the group that slept about 4 hours per night had less than half the serum testosterone levels than the group that slept about 8 hours per night. (source)

The food you eat also plays a big role in your T levels.

The modern diet is lacking in a lot of key vitamins and minerals that our bodies need for testosterone production. You can fix that by eating certain foods high in those compounds.

Another important step to take is cutting out chemicals.

You might not realize it, but a lot of personal care products are hiding harmful substances that can wreck testosterone production.

Everything from sunscreen and plastic to deodorant and antibacterial soap can be harmful to your T levels.

Check out this article for some more practical steps to increase testosterone naturally and cut out chemicals from your routine.


Effects of local heating of the testes on the concentration of testosterone in jugular and testicular venous blood of rats and on testosterone production in vitro

Association between sleep and morning testosterone levels in older men

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