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Do probiotics increase testicle size?

Can probiotics increase testicle size?

As some of you know, gut health is raging in the mainstream media and scientific community.

And with good reason. We are now discovering that our tiny gut passengers can actually do a lot of positive things for us.

Moreover, there is also a specific gut bacteria that seems to interact with testosterone: Lactobacillus reuteri

So, how does it all work? How does microscopic bacteria influence our health?

Discover 5 effective steps to reverse age-related penile shrinkage!

A Quick Story About the Digestive Tract and its Passengers


The human body is an amazing machine and so is the digestive tract. At the end of the day, anything that comes in our mouths is dealt with by our guts.

First, food is broken down in the stomach. The acidic environment of the stomach also ensures the neutralisation of any unwanted pathogens and microbes.

Simultaneously, many organs work full-time to help the digestive process. The stomach and pancreas produce enzymes that will further break down macro-nutrients (aka protein, carbs and fats).

Additionally, the liver will produce bile, which will then be released by the gallbladder into the stomach to facilitate the digestion of fat.

Then, food continues to be broken down through the “small” 20-foot long intestine.

And quickly enough, it becomes so small that the nutrients can start to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Finally, anything that hasn’t gone into the bloodstream by now will make its way though the 5-foot long large intestine.

It’s in the small and large intestines where billions of gut bacteria reside.

You can boost your testosterone levels by simply improving your sleep! Learn more here.

Now, the gut bacteria will start synthesising vitamins and fatty acids, and processing waste products.

But our intestinal bacteria does much more than process nutrients and waste.

More than 75% of our immune system and more than 100 million neurons lie in our guts too.

In other words, our gut and its inhabitants can communicate with our brains and are crucial for our resistance to disease.

But what does this have to do with testosterone and testicle size?

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Do Probiotics Increase Testicle Size?


Earlier I mentioned Lactobacillus reuteri, a species of bacteria found across the animal kingdom, humans included.

This is one of the first species of bacteria that is naturally established in the guts of newborns.

In other words, it’s one of first batches of healthy bacteria that we all start existence with.

Now let’s jump to 2014.

A MIT study found that Lactobacillus reuteri also does wonders for males. (source)

The study showed that rats who were fed this probiotic exhibited:

  • Increased testosterone production
  • Higher levels of body hair
  • Increased quantity and improved quality of sperm
  • Larger testicles

So, Lactobacillus reuteri did INCREASE the testicle size of rodents tested in this study.

Moreover, Lactobacillus reuteri also boosts vitamin D blood levels – which is associated with higher T levels and thus, bigger testicles. (source)

Similarly, other species of bacteria can have a positive impact on testosterone levels.

For instance, Lactobacillus rhamnosus reduces the levels of cortisol in mice – aka the hormone of stress.

High levels of cortisol have been linked to lower levels of testosterone and reduced libido.

Supplementation of this probiotic can potentially reduce anxiety and all of its ill effects.

The Best Probiotics and How to Use Them

Probiotics are found in certain foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, choucroute, kimchi, kombucha and other fermented foods. Ideally, eat some of these foods whenever you can.

Otherwise, the best way to get specific strains of probiotics is supplementation.

The best strain of Lactobacillus reuteri is ATCC 6475.

If you can’t find this particular strain, search for brands with great feedback, you will easily find what you need.

It’s also important to know that probiotics are generally safe. Nonetheless, there is always a tiny risk of side effects with any supplement.

Rest reassured, these are usually in the gastric department.

Worst case scenario, you may end up with an upset belly that will eventually fade away once your body has adjusted to the introduction of new healthy bacteria.

So, eat plenty of fermented foods, find reliable probiotic supplements and enjoy your larger testicles!

Additionally, continue following our healthy tips and you will see improvements quickly!

Click here to discover 5 of the best minerals to increase testosterone levels naturally!

Update – More Probiotics That Improve Sexual Health

I already talked about Lactobacillus reuteri pretty extensively in this article – and for good reason. This is one of the best probiotics for male sexual health.

Studies have shown that it can significantly increase testicle size compared to a control group. (source)

However, Lactobacillus reuteri isn’t the only probiotic that can have big benefits for men in the bedroom. Let’s check out a few more of the best probiotics for male sexual health.

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

The bacteria known as Lactobacillus rhamnosus is another excellent probiotic for men.

I touched on this one very briefly above, so let me go into a bit more detail on why Lactobacillus rhamnosus is beneficial.

It all has to do with your stress levels. When you’re stressed, your body produces a hormone known as cortisol which can wreak havoc on your testosterone levels.

Now, cortisol isn’t all bad, but when you maintain elevated cortisol levels for a long period it can actually destroy the testosterone in your body.

It doesn’t even matter why you’re stressed – nearly all types of long-term stressors can significantly lower your T levels. There are tons of studies out there that have confirmed this. (source, source, source)

Now here’s where Lactobacillus rhamnosus comes in.

One major study on mice tested whether supplementation with this bacteria would lower stress levels. During the study, the test group was fed Lactobacillus rhamnosus daily.

Both the test and control groups were subjected to the same stressful situations. When their cortisol levels were measured after the fact, the test group showed 100 times lower cortisol levels than the control group. (source)

Now, don’t think that this study is irrelevant just because it was done on mice. In fact, humans and mice have very similar reproductive and hormone systems in our bodies – which is why mice are commonly used in scientific studies.

Bottom line: supplementing with Lactobacillus rhamnosus can lower your cortisol levels and raise your testosterone levels.

Clostridium Scindens

The bacteria strain known as Clostridium scindens is another powerful probiotic for fighting back against stress.

Similar to Lactobacillus rhamnosus, this bacteria helps lower cortisol levels and raise testosterone levels. But it works a bit differently.

One study done on rats dove deeper into the science behind this probiotic. Results from that study showed that Clostridium scindens was actually able to directly convert cortisol into testosterone. (source)

This study also asserted that probiotic intake was generally beneficial for all areas of sex hormone production including testosterone.

Bonus – Best Probiotic Foods for Men

Sure, you can dig around online for supplements. But as I said earlier in this article, you need to be careful so you avoid the snake oil salesmen.

There’s an easier way to increase your probiotic intake – you can start eating a few key foods. These foods all involve some sort of fermentation, because fermentation naturally creates probiotic bacteria.

Check out the list below for my top 5 best probiotic foods for men.

  1. Yogurt: Your best bet here is to go with a natural yogurt with minimal processing. If the yogurt is heavily processed or heated after fermentation, this can kill all of the beneficial probiotic bacteria.
  2. Blue Cheese: This is one of the best fermented cheeses for probiotics. You can also try raw gouda, mozzarella, cottage cheese, or cheddar – but again, just make sure the cheese is minimally processed so the bacteria are still alive.
  3. Kefir: This native Turkish food is made by fermenting milk with kefir grains. It’s been around for over 3,000 years. A good batch can contain up to 35 different probiotic strains.
  4. Sauerkraut: Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage that’s been fermented. It’s high in many beneficial probiotics. Just make sure you don’t buy pasteurized sauerkraut because it won’t contain any live bacteria.
  5. Pickles: Not all pickles are created equal. To get the probiotic benefits, you need to eat pickles that have been fermented in a brine solution. The more common vinegar pickling method doesn’t produce any probiotics.


Probiotic microbes sustain youthful serum testosterone levels and testicular size in aging mice

Association between plasma 25-OH vitamin D and testosterone levels in men

Intraindividual variation in recent stress exposure as a moderator of cortisol and testosterone levels

Neuroendocrine Mechanisms Mediating the Suppression of Circulating Testosterone Levels Associated with Chronic Stress in Male Rats

If it goes up, must it come down? Chronic stress and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in humans

Ingestion of Lactobacillus strain regulates emotional behavior and central GABA receptor expression in a mouse via the vagus nerve

Sex Differences in the Gut Microbiome Drive Hormone-Dependent Regulation of Autoimmunity

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